Recreation (RECREATN)



The nature of sport and adventure program areas will be examined in relation to tourism, perhaps the largest segment of the for-profit sector of the recreation profession. This course introduces students to knowledge, skills, and considerations relevant to tourism professionals operating in adventure and sport tourism settings. Participant motivation, global tourist destinations, and management concerns will be considered through readings and case studies.


This course provides the fundamental knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to lead people in outdoor recreational activities. The course includes topics on trip planning, safety procedures, equipment and food logistics, leadership methods and expedition behavior for a variety of outdoor trip activities. The course also includes a 3 day outdoor trip experience.

RECREATN 690   WORKSHOP   Repeatable   1-3 Units

Variable topics. Group activity-oriented presentations emphasizing 'hands-on' and participatory instructional techniques.

RECREATN 691   TRAVEL STUDY   Repeatable   1-3 Units

Variable topics. Faculty-led courses abroad.

RECREATN 696   SPECIAL STUDIES   Repeatable   1-3 Units

Variable topics. Group activity. Not offered regularly in the curriculum but offered on topics selected on the basis of timeliness, need, and interest, and generally in the format of regularly scheduled Catalog offerings.

RECREATN 790   WORKSHOP   Repeatable   1-3 Units

Variable topics. Group activity-oriented presentations emphasizing 'hands-on' and participatory instructional techniques.

RECREATN 793   PRACTICUM   Repeatable   1-12 Units

Recreation Practicum.

RECREATN 794   SEMINAR   1-3 Units

Variable topics. Group activity. An advanced course of study in a defined subject matter area emphasizing a small group in intense study with a faculty member.

RECREATN 796   SPECIAL STUDIES   Repeatable   1-3 Units

Variable topics. Group activity. Not offered regularly in the curriculum but offered on topics selected on the basis of timeliness, need, and interest, and generally in the format of regularly scheduled Catalog offerings.

RECREATN 798   INDIVIDUAL STUDIES   Repeatable   1-3 Units

Study of a selected topic or topics under the direction of a faculty member.

RECREATN 799   THESIS RESEARCH   Repeatable   1-6 Units

Students must complete a Thesis Proposal Form in the Graduate Studies Office before registering for this course.